Simon Fujiwara (Berlin)

Hope House – A Guided Tour

Emerging from his most ambitious installation project to date – Fujiwara’s keynote lecture performance transported the audience through the process of reproducing a full-scale replica of the Anne Frank House presented as a building within a building across four floors of a gallery in Tel Aviv. Synthesizing a variety of ethical, economical, and practical questions around the now global culture of capitalism and consumption into a compelling performance for which he is internationally known, Fujiwara presented a rich, contradictory, and indeed “uneasy picture of the most cherished human desires: to do good, to belong, to love.”

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Simon Fujiwara, Hope House – A Guided Tour, 2017. Performance lecture documentation FIELD MEETING Take 5: Thinking Project, November 15th at SVA Theatre.


Born in 1982 (London, UK), Simon Fujiwara has created a complex and rich body of interconnecting works that encompass performance, film, installations, sculptures and texts. Bringing personal experiences both real and imagined into contact with larger historical events, his expansive practice has been described as an ‘autobiographical journey through the architecture of modern life – constantly rebuilt as it is retold’. Fujiwara studied architecture at Cambridge University and Fine Art at Städelschule in Frankfurt am Main. His work has been presented in group and solo exhibitions at institutions that include Tate St.Ives, UK, MoMA, NY, Julia Stoschek Collection, Dusseldorf, Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, Kunstverein Braunschweig, and SFMoMA, San Francisco. His participation in international biennales includes the Venice, (2009), Sao Paulo (2010), Gwangjyu (2012), Shanghai (2012) and Sharjah (2013) Biennales among others. Key works are housed in public collections including the Tate Collection, Hamburger Kunsthalle and Prada Foundation. In 2009 he won the Art Foundation Fellowship for Interior Architecture and in 2010 he won both the Cartier Award and the prestigious Art Basel Statements Baloise Prize. He has published two artists books, The Museum of Incest and 1982.

Simon Fujiwara, Frozen, 2010, Mixed media installation, performance, Ausstellungsansicht Kunstverein Braunschweig, Courtesy Prada Foundation, Foto: Bernd Borchardt